Sunday, November 01, 2009

Pumpkin Run 5K 2009

Saturday was our 4th Pumpkin Run, this time in a new city, Van Nuys, and also it fell right on Halloween. Andrew emails me earlier in the week with this:

'06 Andy 25:36
'06 ECM 31:21
'06 Andrew 24:32

'07 Andy 24:22
'07 ECM 34:34
'07 Andrew 24:36

'08 Andy 24:43
'08 ECM 31:19
'08 Andrew 21:55

'09 Andy 23:45
'09 ECM 29:59

See you on Halloween!
---Andrew =)

So he's predicting a PR, and I'm thinking, I haven't run for 2 months! Been busy with house repairs. But actually all 3 of us PR'ed! It was below 50 deg F when we got there and windy. I was freezing! But it got to be a comfortable 60 deg F by the time the race started. Some guy was doing a warm up starting sprint before the gun, and he was just turning around to get back over the start line when the lady pulled the gun :) He looked very surprised when everyone started running at him! The run this year was an out-and-back. I did like it a bit more than the Legg Lake location just because it wasn't as muddy. There were still geese, but now that I think about it, we didn't get as many views of the lake here like we did Legg Lake. Seems like the park we were at this year is new or has had a lot of recent renovations.

I started with a 7 min mile, probably a bit fast. It was a bit of a crowd when we got started, but thined out before the 1 mile mark. I throttled back a bit, but knew that I had to keep it up to get a decent time. Andrew had such lofty predictions, and plus, it was $30 so I didn't want to just jog the thing :O. I was following a guy in a yellow shirt for the 2nd mile. Saw Andrew after he made the turn - high five. I made the turn - high fived Emily. Seems silly, but I was motivated thinking, "I'll never be able to run this mile again." Sure there will be other miles, but never that one again, you know? So that kept me going and as I approached the finish I couldn't believe I was under 23 minutes!

Some (I would say rude) guy was running with two little white yappy dogs on two long leashes. It was dangerous for the other runners because they had to dodge him! But I will say that those two dogs were really haulin - they beat me by a mile, and Andrew says he just passed the dogs in the home stretch. They love to run, apparently! Interesting note the guy he passed was Hornstein. Horng passed Hornstein :P

Andrew a.k.a. Hornginator:
5K time: 20:57 (PR)
min/mi: 6.8
div 2 Male place: 6/13 = 46.2%
gender place: 20/78 = 25.6%
overall place: 21/155 = 13.5%

5K time: 22:43 (PR)
min/mi: 7.3
div 2 Male place: 9/13 = 69.2%
gender place: 34/78 = 43.6%
overall place: 42/155 = 27.1%

5K time: 28:37 (PR)
min/mi: 9.2
div 2 Female place: 7/12 = 58.3%
gender place: 29/77 = 37.7%
overall place: 87/155 = 56.1%

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Sun, Oct 11th, 2009
(of the 3211 who finished the full marathon, 38% were female and 62% were male)

Bib #: 1511
Division: Men 25-29
Age: 27

Gun Start: 6:59:45 in the AM
Chip Start: 7:06:47 in the AM

Clock Time: 4:20:39
Chip Time: 4:13:37
Pace: 9:41 min/mile (average km: 6:01 min/km)
Average Speed: 6.2 Mph (10.0 Kph)

Overall: 1133 out of 3350
Result In Entire Field: 1133rd place (2078 finishers behind me, ~35% of finishers ahead)
Overall Result Based On Gun Time: 1113th place

Men: 819 out of 2053
Result In Gender (Male): 818th place (1188 finishers behind, ~41% of finishers ahead)
Sex Result Based On Gun Time: 817th place
(opposite sex stat: I was ahead of ~74% of female finishers)

M 25-29: 107 out of 245
Result In Division (M 25-29): 109th place (135 finishers behind, ~44% of finishers ahead)
Division Result Based On Gun Time: 102nd place

Age/Grade: 49.26% Place: 1729

10K: 1:00:33 (9:45 pace)
12.9mi: 2:03:32 (9:35 pace)
18.0mi: 2:55:18 (9:45 pace)
(from 18mi to FINISH stat: I passed 273 runners and 12 passed me)

Start – 6.2mi→ 6.2 mph
-section time: 1hr 0min 32sec (9:45 per mile for 6.214 miles)
6.2mi – 13mi→ 6.4 mph
-section time: 1hr 2min 59sec (9:25 per mile for 6.686 miles)
13mi – 18 mi→ 5.9 mph
-section time: 0hr 51min 47sec (10:09 per mile for 5.1 miles)
18mi – Finish→ 6.3 mph
-section time: 1hr 18min 19sec (9:32 per mile for 8.219 miles)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Post 200!

Woo, this is #200 for our blog! Not posting your runs anymore because you have just so many of them? :)

Thursday morning run:
24.6 min / 3 mi = 8.2 min/mi

Sunday long run:
56.2 min / 6.5 mi = 8.6 min/mi

Pumpkin Run in Van Nuys sounds good to me. We'll sign up for sure.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pumpkin 5K Sign Up!

Hey hey hey,

I just officially signed up for THE PUMPKIN 5K-- it's indeed going to be in Van Nuys this year which, believe it or not, is a way closer drive (for both of us) than if it was in Legg Lake again. Anyways, maybe this will finally be the year that I can get an award! (unless the age divisions are messed up again like last year's, bleh). =)


Sunday, September 06, 2009

2009 Disneyland 1/2 Marathon

Completed the race today! This was my 2nd half marathon, and the 2nd one at Disneyland. I wanted to improve since the last race and I knew that would be an achievable goal because it was so hot during my previous race, and because I did not have school going on making it tough to train. Looks like I did beat my last time by about 12 minutes. Woo!

Did training starting in July - the goal was to do one long run a week and increase distance by 10% each week until I'm doing the 13.1 miles on a long run. 10% was supposed to reduce injury, but I eventually got injured (see previous post...). Luckily there was enough time to heal for the run today, but not so long that my training went down the tubes.

Got up at 3:30a, which was about 6.5 hrs of sleep, and I ate a banana and toast. I think she just had an english muffin. We had everything ready to go from the night before - bibs on shirt/skirt, race chip on shoe, check-in bag with watch, camera, etc. So we headed out, arriving before 4:30 and parking which was $12 (arg). We definitely beat the rush because we got in on the 1st parking level. It was a little to chilly outside and we were tired so we just relaxed in the car before walking over to the race area.

They had a guy playing snippets of Disneyland ride theme songs and people in the crowd guessed the songs. Also they had some dudes dressed up as the Toy Story toy soldiers (green plastic army men). They were pretty funny. One lady had a trash bag over her shoulders and he told her "Ma'am, you're wearing a trash bag." but she did not see the humor haha. I think she was just cold.

We eventually headed over to the race corrals at about 5:20 or so. I was in corral G, and she was in B. Sun was just barely coming up at this point. Would have been nice to have been in the same corral, but I did not have race proof from the last year since I've run no races, so I got relegated to the back.

They sang the national anthem - everyone around me was totally quiet for it. That was neat. People were pumped up. They started by calling Wave 1, but I had no idea what wave 1 was. Ends up it was corrals A,B,C or something like that. Then about 10 minutes later they called wave 2 which was corrals D,E,F maybe? So FINALLY they when they called wave 3 which was me, it was a solid 25 minutes after wave 1. I didn't even know that I was in wave 3 so when they called it and everyone started moving I was surprised. Sort of bad organization there... but that's only the start of the problems.

Ends up they jammed all the walkers into wave G - still not sure how I got in there since I told them I was not walking! We walked the first half mile - there were so many people that I couldn't get around or through. Whenever there was an opening I squeezed through and I jumped on sidewalks and on curbs just to get around these walkers. Apparently groups of 5 or so decided to walk it and they felt like they needed to walk side by side which totally blocked up progress. VERY rude of them, and very dangerous. They should have gotten over to the right side and leaving room on the left for the runners. I'm not sure how they could have thought they would be able to complete the course in 3.5 hrs if they are walking - that makes no sense. Would have been best if Disney would have just made an announcement to let people know how to be courteous. Even better, Disney could have made a special wave just for walkers.

It was very dangerous because people were getting angry. One lady that ran past me said, "are we runners here or what?" Good point, but she was out-voted. Less than one mile in on the course the race route actually narrowed down due to Disneyland construction to about 20 feet wide. Then to make matters worse, Disney put a water station there!!! Insane! That funneled us down further to about 8 feet! Sorry, but that is idiotic.

We ran through the parks, and the sun was up at this point. Hard to enjoy the park since it was so crowded. Another guy yelled "I want a fast pass!" Me too. We wound around Matterhorn and then past the carousel and through the castle, still walking. Headed over by Pirates, then past Mansion, Pooh, and then out of the back lot. I was hoping to see the fireworks equipment which I know is back there, but I think we went down a different alley. We eventually dumped out to Ball street and this is when the route was finally wide enough to get in with runners running my pace.

I did not run with any music, which was my plan this year. I've decided that running with the headphones actually makes the long runs seem longer for some reason. She suggested that maybe the songs make the run feel longer because songs are relatively short compared to the run duration. I buy it! Listening to long talk radio podcasts are good for running, I've found. But I wanted to audio because the cords get in the way and all that. I think people with music on made the race a little more dangerous because they couldn't hear people around them. People were making abrupt jumps and stops right in front of other runners without looking back. Rude rude rude.

Also good to not have headphones because this race organizes high school bands, mariachi bands, and Hawaiian bands/dancers along the Anaheim route. That's cool - they're playing pep band music, and they have cheer squads making lots of noise too which is fun. Runners were giving the band kids all high fives but I thought that was kinda nasty. Break out the Purell!

The last race I started periodically walking at the 10K mark (6 miles or so). But this time my training runs were a lot longer than that so I knew I could run further. I made it to the Honda center before I had my first walk. Just maybe 20 steps of walking to feel if my ankles were sore at all, or if I was injured at all. We then headed down the river trail under the Angel's A sign by the freeway. Just before entering Angel's stadium was the 15K mark (9.3 mi).

Then we got to "run the bases" again this year! That was fun. They had a bunch of boy and girl scouts in the stands cheering which was a nice idea. We got on the jumbotron, and they had an announcer in the stadium just chatting like they do.

Exited the stadium and it was the home stretch! Only about a 5K distance to go! I figured at this point if I ran my best 5K ever I could finish this half marathon in under 2 hrs, but I knew I was poopin out. I ended up doing a decent amount of walking on this last stretch through DCA and back to the finish line. I got no videos along this route because I was really having a rough go. Had to go to the bathroom, was really tired. But I made it eventually and was very happy it was over!

Funny as soon as I was done I didn't have to use the bathroom anymore - arg. But I did sit down and recovered a bit. I wasn't feeling that great, and I downed a whole powerade and a whole water. It was getting warm at this point, but there was some shade. I got a couple pictures of me with the medal, picked up my post-race chow, and met up with my lady.

So on one hand, maybe the walking at the start due to the crowds was OK since that reserved energy for the end which I obviously needed. OR maybe the crowd weaving and abrupt starts and stops took up energy which would have made me faster. Who knows - if I do it again I will run any race to qualify for a wave 1 corral. Worth the effort.

Here's my race stats:

Bib 13204
Div 25-29 M
ChipTime: 2:07:55
Pace: 9.6 min/mile
Clock Time: 2:33:09
Overall Place: 2563 (out of 11643 finishers, 2563/11643=22.0%)
Gender Place: 1635 (out of 4381 finishers, 1635/4381=37.3%)
Divison Place: 228 (out of 642 finishers, 228/642=35.5%)
Age Grade = 46.3% (100% is world-class)
5K Split: 30:46
10K Split: 1:00:46
15K Split: 1:32:49

My 2007 Disneyland Half Marathon race results!
Previous chip time was 2:20:12, so this is a new personal record! Hah, the weather was much more pleasant this time around, and I probably did better training despite the minor injury.

Other race stats:
~13500 racers, 11643 finishers
Oldest runner: 85 y/o man from Salt Lake City, ran 2:26:20!
Avg Age: 37
People from each of the 50 states were running.
64% female entrants

My division:

Filtered By Division=MEN -- 25 THROUGH 29

Finishers Division Min. Time Avg. Time Max. Time
642 MEN -- 25 THROUGH 29 01:19:33 02:23:17 03:46:02

Sunday, August 30, 2009

HM training #3

Ended up we had a huge non-running project to tackle once we got into August, so that started to eat up running time. Also, my ankles/knees were feeling some pain and I know my shoes were getting older, so I wanted to try the tip I heard. It's a shoe transition period: Buy new shoes and wear them for short runs to wear them in and wear the old shoes for long runs. So I got a 20% coupon from Kohl's and found a pair of New Balance that fit well, or so I thought! The back of my heel rubbed slightly and there is a seam in the shoe lining right in the back of the heel.

I got up on a Wednesday before work to do a long run and decided that wearing in shoes before I run isn't important! I wore the new shoes and went 9 mi. The route I took was similar to the last long run, however I thought I fount a better way to cut from the street back into the river trail. Unfortunately once I got there it was a locked gate, so I detoured. But at about this time I felt a hot spot for a blister on my right heel. I tried to adjust socks/shoe laces to make it feel better. I finished the run:
8/12/2009: long run #4
83.2 min / 9 mi = 9.2 min/mi
Pretty good result! I was happy with that as if I could keep that pace I'd be under 2 hrs 5 min on my HM race time. But my heel was hurting and when I took off my sock, yikes, big blister. Size of a quarter. I thought the blister would heal (hah, pun INTENDED) quickly, so not a huge deal. Went to work, and my other ankle started hurting like it was sprained. And by the end of the day, it was clear that it was mildly sprained. I iced it, but the pain persisted for 2 weeks, hence, this ended up being my last half marathon long training run. I got in one other short run after my ankle as feeling better:

8/25/2009 (est.): maintenance/recovery run
30.7 min / 3.12 mi = 9.8 min/mi
I planned the route so that I'd always be less than a mile from home in case the ankle started to bother me. Indeed, at 3.12 mi it was slightly fussy, so I stopped the run. Luckily, tons of time left to heal. This run was in the "new" New Balance shoes so I decided I'd be better doing the half marathon in my oldish Asics.

Side note, ended up doing a 5.2 mi hike over that next weekend at Pt. Mugu. Gorgeous area! Ankle didn't bother me too bad.

Next post, race day!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

HM training #2

7/27/2009: long run #3
69.7 min / 7.6 mi = 9.2 min/mi
This was a weekday morning run before the sun came up. Started at 5:15a. Had plans to run a sort of loop, however missed a turn due to a street changing names, so just wing'ed it. I was hoping for 8.1 mi to stay on track, but no dice here. Will catch up to the schedule this weds or so. Nice morning, but I'm afraid the route I took includes a lot of street crossings and long traffic signals. May try it one more time to see if I do the loop I'd intended in case that improves the route.

8/2/2009: "maintenance" run
66.3 min / 6.8 mi = 9.75 min/mi
Saw a pellican spashing in the water with its wings, and also some neat RC planes. One looked like an F-15 (two vertical stabilizers, at least), and a few other dudes were flying gliders they'd do a spinning move to launch from their hand, and then try to find updrafts over dark patches of soil. The gliders were probably about 2 ft wide. Was not planning on making this a long run... will heal up before I do the official long run.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Half Marathon Training is on track

Made this plan to train for the Disneyland Half marathon. I want to at least say that I've run one race in my life where I made some sort of plan and stuck to it regarding the training. I'm sure I can beat my last half marathon run since it was so hot that time, but I want to annihilate my PR! That is, in a safe manner ;) E=Mc^2 heard that one long run per week increasing at 10% weekly would be a safe way to train up to the distance, so I'm going for that. Here's the progress so far.

7-11-2009: first long run, Omaha, NE. Got up just before sunrise, and my brother ran the first part with me. SUPER hilly - have never run hills before. My whole trunk was sore for a couple days which really surprised me. Ran from my parent's house to my aunt/uncle's house. I was up all night beforehand I suppose worrying about the run, wasn't sure if I could make it. But we mapped it out and I knew by the numbers that it was doable. Just strange to be running in a place I'm not used to running. Saw a deer and a hawk. This was running in the shoulders of a couple highways; light traffic, but mildly harrowing with semis barreling by. Did not get to wheezing like I remember when running in Omaha - perhaps that was part of the worry, also. Glad I completed this because it felt like a huge achievement to me. Wanted to run 6.7 mi in order to do the 10% gain rule, but this was close enough.
62 min / 6.4 mi = 9.7 min/mi

7-18-2009: maintenance run. Did not want this to be too long as to impede hiking the next day, but also wanted to get a short one in. Ended up working out perfectly.
38.1 min / 4.5 mi = 8.5 min/mi

7-21-2009: second long run. Wanted to beat the heat so got up at 5am and ran past the 91 FWY and back. Was planning on doing the river trail however it was too dark and sketchy so I stuck to streets until the way back when it was light enough. Heard a rooster crow, saw a horse sleeping on his side (on the ground) which was pretty funny. Not too funny: a drunk was feeding another horse some liquor! I told a ranch hand I saw soon after so hopefully he took care of it. I didn't want to get into a fight with some drunk - had running to do! I was happy with this run for sure.
68 min / 7.8 mi = 8.7 min/mi

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Redondo 5K

“4th of July 5K Run/Walk and Kids’ Dash” (by Village Runner)
Sat, July 4, 2009 at 8AM
Redondo Beach, CA
Bib #: 606
Division: 25-29 Male
Age: 26
Chip Time: 22:42.2
Clock Time: 22:44.8
Overall: 243 out of 2239
Sex Place: 206th
Division Place: 18 out of 65 (16 divisions per sex = 32 total)
Pace: 7:19 min/mile

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Late June Runs

6/21/2009 41 min / 4 mi = 10.25 min/mi
6/24/2009 44.5 min / 4.7 mi = 9.5 min/mi
6/26/2009 21.1 min / 2.9 mi = 7.3 min/mi

Absolutely love the long daylight hours!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sun, June 14th, 2009 @ 7AM

>START/FINISH LINE: Meadows Edge Picnic Area in Big Bear Lake, CA

#1: 3.8 miles
#2: 8.6 miles
#3: 11.5 miles
#4: 14.9 miles
#5: 20.8 miles
#6: 23.9 miles
#7: 27.5 miles

>HIGHEST POINT: 8212 feet
>LOWEST POINT: 6750 feet (pretty sure this was the lowest point cuz it's the start/finish line elevation and also the smallest elevation # on the course map)

=>33-MILE RACE...
-105 runners (out of the 123 who signed up) started
-18 runners signed up but did not start
-102 runners completed the course + 3 did not finish (2 female, 1 male)
-77 male runners + 28 female runners = 105 total runners

~Bib #: 108
~Division: Men 18-29 (6 different divisions per sex)
~Age: 26
~Wave: 3rd wave (last wave)
~Official Time: 9:12:50
~Overall: 99th out of 102/105--> aka "4th to last"
~Sex Place: 76th of out 76/77--> aka "the last man to cross the finish line"
~Division Place: 5th out of 5--> aka "dead last" (although there were 6 signed up = 1 didn't show)
~Pace: ~16:45.15 min/mile

***THE RACE: I started the race off with excitement but also caution. I was hoping my injury wasn't going to come back but knew that there was a chance it might. I noticed that a lot of the people out there were not running a "smart" race... early on, they were completely out of breath, running the inclines. I was doing a better job taking it easy on the up-hills and watching my heart rate and making sure I kept a good conservative pace.

So, my stamina was good but eventually my legs failed me. My IT band on my right side started acting up so I favored my left leg more, which caused the IT band to act up on that side as well. Plus, I was taking advantage of the elevation changes by walking the up-hills and running the down-hills (good for stamina, bad for legs) but the down-hills were hurting my IT bands.

Before I hit Aid Station #4, I knew something was wrong... but I was hoping that I could stretch my way out of it. So, at Aid Station #4 I did some stretching but deep down knew I was in trouble. It was 5.9 miles (the longest, loneliness stretch of the entire race) until the next aid station... man, that 5.9 was killer... I had to walk most of it, and it took FOREVER! This stretch is where people passed me and I feel behind. It was at this point that I thought that it was almost certain that I might not finish the race. I was disappointed. I thought about the 33-mile pin that I got at the start of the race that I wouldn't be able to pin onto my keychain lanyard. I also thought that I wasn't going to make the 10-hour race cutoff time limit. Oh, and I went to stretch at a couple points and at one point the stretching really made things worse.

But somewhere in those 5.9 miles, probably toward the latter half of it, I noticed that the walking wasn't really hurting my IT bands. And then I noticed after a long time that my legs were feeling better with the walking. I felt that once I got off the 5.9 trail and into the dirt road that was after Aid Station #5 that I could possibly try out some running even. I just knew that the dirt road was going to be easier for me than the trail.

Anyways, I just barely made the 12:45pm cutoff at Aid Station #5 (I had forgotten about this but someone mentioned it to me there). Then, the LAST RUNNER IN THE RACE came in right after me as I was about to leave. I didn't want to be the last person who finished the race, but I mentally prepared myself for it. I ended up walking, and then running a little and eventually caught up to 2 people. I passed them and extended my lead through some running at times. Then later, I was passed by that last runner, a 55-year old woman.

Man, I loved that long, wide, non-traily, dirt road in between Aid Station #5 and #7. But then, after #7... it was time to go back onto the trail. Also, as I was leaving the last aid station, a group of friends (a guy and 2 girls) who were in last place... were just getting to the aid station (I had been looking back ever since I passed them on that dirt path after Aid Station #5).

But yeah-- now it was time to go back to the trail. This was when the race got "scary"... it was as if it was some freaky horror movie and I was being chased through the woods or something haha. I kept looking back and running at points along the trail that I could run on. The running felt alright on my legs... I was happy about that. But I wanted to keep extending my lead cuz I didn't want to be last.

Alright, so overall throughout the race, the course was really marked well... except for one point. This came after Aid Station #7 on my "scary" run. Don't know how to describe it, but the markers weren't clear and it looked like I was supposed to go down to this one area but then I didn't know where to go next cuz I was off course. I seriously spent maybe 10 minutes or so looking around and feeling the hurt in my legs. I heard the group of friends (2 girls and a guy) who were in last place come up. I blew my whistle but that didn't help. Then when they got closer I yelled out to them and they put me back on course.

So yeah-- good news: I was back on course. Bad news: the lead that I had built up by running along the trail was now gone. It was all for nothing. And even WORSE news: the group of friends passed me as we met up. It was so demoralizing being not only the last runner on the course, but also the last runner on the course that didn't deserve to be the last runner.

Anyways, I was walking kinda slow by myself as they built up their lead. But then, the friends stopped cuz one of them needed to change a leg bandage. I walked passed them on the trail and did some angry, determined, and SCARY walking. I then started running at certain points along the trail, looking back.

This time when I did it though, I ran at almost every opportunity that I could, thinking that there was no way they could possibly catch up to me (since they were walking the whole thing, or so it seemed). I eventually made it down to lower elevation and then caught up to that "last runner" who had passed me earlier. She was like "no no no" and started running again (but remember... I had all the energy and stamina in the world cuz I had been walking most of the race). So I quickly passed her and she jokingly (or not jokingly) said "I hate you!" I told her that she wasn't the last person in the race (I had asked the aid station workers about her and they said that she had finished last in 2008 and was proud of herself for not being last and passing me).

Anyways, there was still probably a 1.5 miles to go. I kept running-- Iwas running scared again... even though I knew I probably wasn't going to finish last (although there was still a chance, you never really know), the competitive juices kicked in even more because I didn't want to be passed again by that 55-year old woman. I'm sorry to say this, but I wanted to extend the lead and make her think there was absolutely no way to catch up to me, because that would demoralize her and she wouldn't run as fast. Yes, I am an asshole, haha. But it helped... I ran, and I got to the finish line and finished about 4 minutes ahead of her. Then, the last place people came in about 12 minutes after me.

Anyways, it was a great experience and good test for me. I replaced the "26.2" pin from my first marathon on my keychain lanyard to the "33" one that I got on Sunday. Maybe someday it'll say "50"-- who knows? I want to get healed up quickly and run that race again injury-free. If so I hope to get a time under the 7 hour mark (or maybe even just barely under the 6 hour mark). That would be awesome.

There was also a 15-miler going on at the same time. They started their race a half hour after us...

=>15-mile race...
-130 runners (out of the 141 who signed up) started
-11 runners signed up but did not start
-128 runners completed the course + 2 did not finish (2 female)
-59 male runners + 71 female runners = 130 total runners
-8 runners who were 18-29 males signed up--> 2 didn't show = 6 completed the 15-miler


Thursday, June 11, 2009


I should probably post my results from the LA Marathon (marathon #2 for me!). I didn't break my PR, but it's all good-- it was good to "experiment" and see what worked and what didn't. The next marathon (Long Beach) will hopefully be faster and more pleasant...

Mon, May 25th, 2009
14228 finishers (9024 male, 5204 female)

Bib #: 11157
Division: Men 25-29
Age: 26
Chip Time: 4:15:21
Clock Time: 4:16:15
Overall: 2330 out of 14228
Sex Place: 1955 out of 9024
Division Place: 275 out of 1017
Age Grade: 48.9%
Pace: 9:44.5 min/mile

Split10K: 54:57
Half-way Point: 1:55:35
Split 30K: 2:48:27

Also, I should mention that my running idol, Dean Karnazes was running in the marathon as well. I didn't expect him to run a time so close to mine. I wonder if he was injured or something.

Anyways, here are Karno's stats...

Dean Karnazes (Ross, CA)
Bib #: 15306
Division: Men 45-49
Age: 46
Chip Time: 4:04:39
Clock Time: 4:12:19
Overall: 1786 out of 14228
Sex Place: 1532 out of 9024
Division Place: 191 out of 901
Age Grade: 55%
Pace: 9:20.0 min/mile

Split10K: 55:45
Half-way Point: 1:58:55
Split 30K: 2:57:33

Wow, so I just realized that he must have passed me at some point in the race. I didn't think he'd start way in the back but he did. Interesting. My running idol passed me at some point and I didn't even know it haha.

---Andrew =)
P.S.: stay tuned for another one of these cuz I have a 33-miler this Sunday... hopefully I can complete the race and do it without any injuries. ::knock on wood::

Saturday, May 30, 2009

run bike run training

This was supposed to be 8.5 mi with 5 mi of biking. Recorded this on my handheld GPS.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Bridge-Was-On-Fire Run

5/20/2009: 44.9 min / 4.72 mi = 9.5 min/mi
Yup, the bridge was on fire underneath. Fire dept was there putting the blaze out. But it's concrete, so hopefully it's not a big deal in the scheme of things.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Belated Cinco de Mayo Run

5/8/09: 24.2 min / 2.9 mi = 8.3 min/mi

Monday, May 04, 2009

No competition :P

4/26/2009: 63 min / 5.6 mi = 11.25 min/mi
5/4/2009: 33.5 min / 3.8 mi = 8.8 min/mi

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Got a couple runs in earlier this month, but then got a really bad flu. Here's how they went:

30.5 min / 3 mi = 10.2 min/mi
23.8 min / 2.9 mi = 8.2 min/mi

Monday, February 02, 2009

Jan 2009 Runs

24.25 min / 2.9 mi = 8.4
22.5 min / 2.9 mi = 7.8
22.25 min / 2.9 mi = 7.7
39.8 min / 4.0 mi = 9.95
23 min / 2.9 mi = 7.9 (1/22/2009)
22.6 min / 2.9 mi = 7.8 (1/26/2009)
41.6 min / 4.0 mi = 10.4 (2/1/2009)

ES's been doing a good job of getting me out of the house :) She always pushes for the 4.0 mile runs. We got a pretty good vid of us running on our new video camera while we were running yesterday, too.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


I kinda forgot to keep it up with posting my race stats. I've been in a lot of them recently since the Pumpkin 5K...

**Thurs, Nov 27th, 2008**
~Torrance Turkey Trot (unofficial 3-miler)~
Bib #2191
No chip timing/no official race results
~21:00 min flat

**Sat, Dec 13, 2008**
~Santa Monica-Venice Xmas 5K~
Bib #2016
Chip Time: 21:45.8 (gun time: 22:46.5)
Pace: 7:01 min/mi
Chip Time Overall: tied for 107th out of 1033 runners (gun overall: 128 out of 1033)
Overall Place: 110 out of 1024 runners
Overall Sex Place: 88th male
14 male divisions, 14 female divisions
25-29M Division: 14th out of 59 runners

**Sun, Jan 25, 2009**
~Carlsbad 1/2 Marathon~
Bib #3336
Overall: 1182 out of 7147
Men: 844 out of 2863
M 25-29: 158 out of 455 (15 divisions per sex)
Age/Grade: 55.02% Place: 2632 (by the way I have no idea what this Age/Grade/Place stat is)
Finish Time: 1:47:39 min (gun time: 1:58:41)
Pace: 8:13 min/mile
6.6 Mile Split: 56:14 min (6.6 mile split pace: 8:32 min/mile)

**Sun, Feb 1, 2009**
~31st Annual Redondo Beach Super Bowl Sunday 10K~
Bib #2026
Overall Place: 403 out of 3663 finishers
M 25-29: 58 out of 282 (15 men divisions, 15 female divisions)
Tag Time: 47:08.6 (gun time: 47:11.5)
Pace: 7:36 min/mile

Catchin' Up On Posting Yet Again








Monday, January 12, 2009

Catching Up On Posting

My internet on my Mac went out a while back so I couldn't upload my Nike runs onto the internet... but I do have internet now on my Mac. Here were my runs...










