Sunday, October 08, 2006

Drake Stadium (UCLA)

Went to UCLA's Drake Stadium this afternoon to run. I like it because the track's ground is soft (easy on the knees) and I know how long each lap is (depends on the lane, too). Funny, because at one point the UCLA Girls' Track Team (or some sort of girls team) were chasing after me. Luckily, they never got to me and I out-ran them all.

Anyways, here are my results...

-used Lane 6 (479 yards per lap)
-ran 8 full laps in 17:15 min
-8 laps x 479 yds = 3832 total yards

If 1 mi = 1760 yds... then I ran ~2.18 miles, averaging just under 8 minutes per mile

Averaged about 2:09 minutes per lap

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