Monday, June 16, 2008

1st Team In Training Run

Hey hey,

So yesterday morning (Sunday morning) I went to my first practice for TNT. We split up into groups and ran/walked in Santa Monica outside. The coaches wanted me to keep it easy on the first practice, so I was with a relatively easy paced group. I might try out a faster paced group (maybe) next weekend or keep being in this one.

I kept my iPod on even during the walks, but if we stopped at a light or water station or something I paused it. Thus, my average is worse, but that includes required walking. At some point during the run, my iPod wouldn't let me pause it again so it started a whole new workout. I thought it was an error and that it erased everything I had done up to that point (but it didn't which was good). So here are 2 results from yesterday...

---Andrew =)

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