Thursday, July 24, 2008

5K+ Before Work

Hey hey!

So today before work, I went to Drake Stadium and ran a 5K (technically... a little more than that). It was a really good run and I didn't think I'd do a 5K before work haha.

Anyways... we all know that my Nike+ is inaccurate (it always short-changes me with distance) but it also gave me a different time than my cellphone. Either my Nike+ is wrong or my cellphone or both. My cellie gave me a time of about 24:54 and the Nike+ said it was 24:47... not a big difference but still a difference.

Here are my stats...
12 laps in Lane 6 (although I did have to go out of the lane a couple times towards the end... not a big difference though)... = 5748 yd = 3.27 miles in 24:54 min.

It's interesting to note the lap times though...
LAP 1: 2:05
LAP 2: 2:07
LAP 3: 2:04
LAP 4: 2:04
LAP 5: 2:06
LAP 6: 2:04
LAP 7: 2:06
LAP 8: 2:07
LAP 9: 2:05
LAP 10: 2:08
LAP 11: 2:08
LAP 12: 1:50

With the exception of the last lap (which I hauled ass towards the last maybe 1/4 lap of it), my lap times were really consistent. I mean like REALLY CONSISTENT! I don't think it's ever been like that. I think this marathon training is really helping out. Also, I should say that I was pumping my arms more efficiently today and I could feel it helping during the run-- took less work off my legs.

Anyways, this may have been the best run I've ever had at Drake-- actually, I just checked my records and it is the best run I've ever had there. It's the first time I've done 12 laps there (my previous best there was 11 laps)... the laps, the consistency, the arm pumping, the fact that I did it before work, etc.

---Andrew =)

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