Friday, July 25, 2008

Going a bit further

41.1 min / 4.6 mi = 8.9 min/mi
Decided to stretch the distance this time - was feeling good going out, and mid way through wasn't too achy. Ran at dusk like usual. Lots of dragonflies eating the gnats, and some waterfowl were flying around sort of chasing each other - it was interesting to watch. No iPod this time or anytime recently - running without the electronics is nice, especially when I spend a lot of my day listening to music or watching video on the iPod.

Wait, you're running a marathon? Nice - I thought it was a half for some reason. Will be interesting to watch your training through October!

Hey, should we be linking this thing into FB somehow? Just an idea. I don't want to be bragging or anything on FB, but seems like just about everything is linking in with FB these days.

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