On Sunday, the 3 of us went out and ran our 3rd Pumpkin 5K. Here were the stats...
Pumpkin 5k--> Sun, October 26, 2008, 8a @ Legg Lake, Whittier, CA
Andrew Horng Bib 247 21:55, 19-29 male division rank **5th of 9 (12/77 overall) 7.1 min/mi pace
Andrew McAllister Bib 238 24:43, 19-29 male division rank 7th of 9 (27/77 overall) 8.0 min/mi pace
Emily Schultz Bib 239 31:19, 19-29 Female division rank 8th of 12 (46/77 overall) 10.1 min/mi pace
** = if the divisions were like normal, I would've been 3rd in my division!... there was a 19 yr old and 21 yr old who beat me!
Overall it was a great event like always. Too bad that the numbers keep dropping every year... the 19-29 division was kinda rough, but I think they did it due to lower participants.
Also, we learned that signing up online was probably the best, since they raise the price after a certain date and you're not guaranteed a t-shirt on race day.
What else? We also learned to not go out too fast which we all did... I ran my fastest "official" recorded 1-mile ever... 6:33 in the first mile, and Emily and I PR-ed in the 5K. Andy was close to a PR but had to "scoop" out his enormous flem and tie his shoe... taking up some time.
I didn't tell you guys this but I was MOANING really loudly that last mile. I was in real pain and wanted the race to be over with haha. I think the people passing me were like WTF?
Oh, and always remember for next time to stand in front of the coordinator guy during the raffle so that he can call out a number. Emily won something, Emily & Andy won "the stick" for having the best costume, and I won some Asics socks!!
Until next time...
---Andrew =)
P.S.: I didn't record this run with my Nike+ cuz I couldn't find my sensor (the thing you stick into the iPod)... but just the other day, I found it in the bathroom trash! It had been there over a week since the marathon! WHOOPS! My mistake... glad I found it.