Friday, October 03, 2008

5 Runs

Hey hey...

Dang, things have been so hectic recently that I didn't get a chance to post my runs...

1.) This was supposed to be one of my "40-60 min easy" Sat runs... I decided to walk to University High School near my apt. They have a soccer field with a dirt path around it which is the same distance supposedly as a regular track (I measured on Google Earth). It felt smaller though but I dunno, maybe it's all psychological. I could've run longer but I was in a rush to get somewhere afterwards and needed time to shower (deadlines deadlines).

I think I'll run here more often now instead of Drake Stadium since I recently (Tues 9/30) got a stupid parking ticket at UCLA. So that means no more going to their track and feeding the meter to balance things out.

2.) Did my run at practice... it was a hard run cuz I was trying to keep up with the fast peoplez (and did).

3.) This was supposed to be a hill workout but the coaches changed it to a track workout, since they felt that we're done with hills. YouTube girl showed up to this mid-week workout for the first time since her first time at one. Yup. We ran at a little faster than marathon pace for 10 minutes and did 3 total sets at the same 10 minutes with a short break between sets. It was really easy for me and I was out in the lead.

4.) Alright this one is a weird one... I decided to keep it safe and conservative and slow since I was feeling tired bad after the previous runs... that meant that all the top runners went ahead of me and beat me, including YouTube girl. So I ran alone for most of the run. My battery died at a little over 17 miles, but I really ran 21+ miles. Either 21.1 or 21.5 miles probably. I'm not sure what the time was, but it was definitely under 4 hours. Probably 3:30 or 3:40. Damn, I'm getting screwed on the logging of my long runs.

5.) We did some quick 200's on the track with short breaks in between.

---Andrew =)

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